HW7: Chapter 5 and 6

5.3: You have been asked to develop a system that will help with planning large-scale events and parties such as weddings, graduation celebrations, and birthday parties. Using an activity diagram, model the process context for such a system that shows the activities involved in planning a party (booking a venue, organizing invitations, etc.) and the system elements that might be used at each stage.

5.5: Develop a sequence diagram showing the interactions involved when a student registers for a course in a university. Courses may have limited enrollment, so the registration process must include checks that places are available. Assume that the student accesses an electronic course catalog to find out about available courses.

5.7: Based on your experience with a bank ATM, draw an activity diagram that models that data processing involved when a customer withdraws cash from the machine.

5.8: Draw a sequence diagram for the same system. Explain why you might want to develop both activity and sequence diagrams when modeling the behavior of a system.

It’s certainly useful to develop both diagram types. I noticed that the sequence diagrams give a better picture of how the systems (database, user, authorization checkpoints, etc.) interact while the activity diagrams delve deeper into the specific way that they interact. In this sense, the two types of diagrams complement each other.

6.4: Draw diagrams showing a conceptual view and a process view of the architectures of the following systems:

A ticket machine used by passengers at a railway station.

A computer-controlled video conferencing system that allows video, audio, and computer data to be visible to several participants at the same time.

A robot floor-cleaner that is intended to clean relatively clear spaces such as corridors. The cleaner must be able to sense walls and other obstructions.


Meeting Charleston

2 minute read

Today, I attended the Alumni Symposium. During freshman year, one of my classes had encouraged attendance to the (then in-person) symposium, but I was unable...

Chapter 9

2 minute read

The journey does not end after a software project has gone live. This week’s reading was “Continuing the Journey” - Chapter 9 of Client-Centered Software Dev...

Chapter 6

3 minute read

“Databases reside at the heart of most software applications” (SD Chapter 6, pg 168). This week’s readings cover Chapter 6 of our textbook, Client-Centered S...

Chapter 5

2 minute read

This week’s reading (Chapter 5 of Client-Centered Software Development) covers domain classes and unit/system testing. According to the text, “domain classes...

Release early and often

2 minute read

Proper documentation for both internal and external users of a software application is crucial to its sustained success after deployment. This week, we read ...

Stupid or Solid?

2 minute read

This week, we read “From STUPID to Solid Code!” by William Durand. This article is packed with high-level do’s and dont’s of programming. The “dont’s” are co...

What’s Happening?

2 minute read

This week, our class chose and reflected on articles from Software, Computer, or CoACM magazines. While perusing software magazines (finding good ones was an...

This bugs me

4 minute read

6.4. Exercise - Find the Oldest Bug Find the oldest bug that’s still open in your chosen project. Write a blog entry describing the problem, with a theory ab...

Reflections on Open Source in Today’s World

2 minute read

This week, our assignment was to explore http://opensource.com/, reading at least two medium-length articles from the site and blogging about what we learned...

Reflections on FOSS

3 minute read

This class, CSCI 462, is centered around contributing to an open-source software project through bug fixes, documentation fixes, and other improvements. Befo...


1 minute read

Hi everyone! My name is Janneke (pronounced ‘Yah-Nuh-Kuh’) Morin.

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HW21: Chapter 24

1 minute read

24.6 Explain why program inspections are an effective technique for discovering errors in a program. What types of error are unlikely to be discovered throug...

HW20: Team Progress II

1 minute read

I feel like our team made great progress on the most recent deliverable (deliverable 4)! We met via Zoom more often than we did between any other two variabl...

HW19: Chapter 23

less than 1 minute read

23.6 Figure 23.14 shows the task durations for software project activities. Assume that a serious, unanticipated setback occurs, and instead of taking 10 day...

HW18: Chapter 21 and Chapter 22

2 minute read

21.4 Explain why an object-oriented approach to software development may not be suitable for real-time systems.

HW17: Team Progress I

2 minute read

This is my first reflection on our team’s testing project. I think this will be a helpful exercise as we move into the final stages of building our testing f...

HW16: Chapter 20

2 minute read

20.10 You work for a software company that has developed a system that provides information about consumers and that is used within a SoS by a number of othe...

HW15: Chapter 19

1 minute read

19.3 Why is it impossible to infer the emergent properties of a complex system from the properties of the system components? In the words of Ian Sommerville,...

HW14: Chapter 18

less than 1 minute read

18.4 Define an interface specification for the Currency Converter and Check Credit Ratings services shown in Figure 18.7.

HW13: Chapter 17

2 minute read

17.10 Your company wishes to move from using desktop applications to accessing the same functionality remotely as services. Identify three risks that might a...

HW12: Chapter 16

less than 1 minute read

16.9 Design the interfaces of components that might be used in a system for an emergency control room. You should design interfaces for a call-logging compon...

HW11: Chapter 9

2 minute read

9.8 Briefly describe the three main types of software maintenance. Why is it sometimes difficult to distinguish between them? Fault repairs to fix bugs and v...

HW10: Chapter 15

2 minute read

15.10 The reuse of software raises a number of copyright and intellectual property issues. If a customer pays the software contractor to develop a system, wh...

HW9: Chapter 8 and reflections on testing

5 minute read

8.7: Write a scenario that could be used to help design tests for the wilderness weather station system. Context: According to Chapter 7, Design and Implemen...

HW8: Mythical Man Month

3 minute read

Mythical Man-Month - Does adding more labor to a project linearly reduce the time to completion? Or does it do the opposite, particularly to an already late ...

HW7: Chapter 5 and 6

1 minute read

5.3: You have been asked to develop a system that will help with planning large-scale events and parties such as weddings, graduation celebrations, and birth...

HW6: Chapter 2

1 minute read

2.1 Suggest the most appropriate generic software process model that might be used as a basis for managing the development of the following systems. Explain ...

HW5: Chapter 4 and reflections

6 minute read

4.5: Using the technique suggested here, where natural language descriptions are presented in a standard format, write plausible user requirements for the fo...

HW4: Reflections on software failures

3 minute read

Our readings this week began with a focus on several software engineering failures which resulted in devastating incidents such as plane crashes (Space Craft...

HW3: Chapters 11 & 12

3 minute read

11.4: What is the common characteristic of all architectural styles that are geared to supporting software fault tolerance? Architectural styles geared to su...

HW1: Chapter 1

3 minute read

1.3: What are the four important attributes that all professional software should possess? Suggest four other attributes that may sometimes be significant.

HW0: Introduction

less than 1 minute read

Hi everyone! My name is Janneke (pronounced ‘Yah-Nuh-Kuh’) Morin.

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